What is Alt text / Alt Tag / Text Attribute
What is Alt text / Alt Tag / Text Attribute:: Alt Tags Google Bots cannot process images on the web. Therefore, it makes use of...
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What is Alt text / Alt Tag / Text Attribute:: Alt Tags Google Bots cannot process images on the web. Therefore, it makes use of...
What is Algorithm ?? Algorithm Algorithms are the programs that are used by the search engines to give you the proper solutions and ...
What is Keyword? A keyword is a short word or a incomplete sentence that user types in the search bar with the help of a browser to de...
Meta Tags Meta Tags includes Meta Description and Meta Keywords. It is the part of the HTML tags, which search engine, uses to get be...
On-Page SEO Technics: Meta Tags creation Heading Tags creation( H1 to H6 ) Robots.txt file creation Site map creation( XML & HTM...
What are paid results? Paid Results Paid results in SEO mean the right backwards of common results. It generally means to sees t...
What is organic result? Organic Search Results Natural outcome in SEO signifies to the posting of the site pages th...
Search Engine: Search Engines A search engine are the programs which is developed to search and locate relevant information on the W...
Off-page SEO: Off-page SEO is a technique where the website owner relies on the third parties to let your web page rank in the search re...
on-page SEO : On-page SEO is a technique where the wesite woner optimizes his website and web pagesall by himself.There is no third par...
SEO SEO stance for Search Engine Optimization .SEO is a process to keep change the position of a website or a web page in S...