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what is keyword

What is Keyword?

A keyword is a short word or a incomplete sentence that user types in the search bar with the help of a browser to derive precise results.
The search engine optimizer should carefully choose a keyword to target and use in their content accordingly. A right keyword can generate a lot of traffic on the web page.

Types of keyword:

Keywords are nine types,lets see it.........

  1. Primary keyword
  2. Secondary keyword
  3. Long Tail keyword
  4. Short Tail keyword
  5. Local keyword
  6. Global keyword
  7. Seasonal keyword
  8. Branded keyword
  9. Negative keyword

What is Keyword Density?

Watchword Density is communicated in level of how often completes a catchphrase shows up on that website page. It ought to be too high or too low. Great thickness of watchwords causes the website page to rank better in the list items.

What is Keyword Research ?

There is a top to bottom research done of here and now and long tail watchwords which should be utilized as a part of the following substance which would be distributed. 

A legitimate catchphrase would draw in a wide group of onlookers and henceforth increment the site's activity.


What is Keyword Spam?

Spamming a substance or a website page with a superfluously high measure of a similar watchword.

What is Keyword Stuffing ?

Stuffing a substance or a site page with a pointlessly huge number of catchphrases. 

Be that as it may, stuffing an excessive number of catchphrases may even reason an issue for you. In the event that discovered, Google may punish your site which would influence your rankings.

***Know more details connect with me.



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